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Events of November 2008

Family Math - Voting Theory
Nov 2, 2008
Who will win? You decide as you choose vote counting methods and gerrymander districts. Family Math is a free program open to people ages 5 and up.
Family Math - Isodot Drawings
Nov 9, 2008
Learn to daw cubes and other three-dimensional figures using isodot paper. Family Math is a free program open to people ages 5 and up.
Family Math - Mobius Bands and Loop Bouquets
Nov 16, 2008
Tape and cut as we explore the area of mathematics known as topology.
Family Math - Sona Designs
Nov 23, 2008
Try your hand at drawing ``sona'' --- traditional designs invented by the Chokwe people, who live in central Africa. Determine which patterns can be completed without lifting your pencil.
Family Math - Euler Trails
Nov 30, 2008
When is it possible to cross each bridge in a river-walk exactly once? We will retrace Leonhard Euler's footsteps as we explore this problem for river-walks in several cities.