- The Apprentice Academy
- Provides career training programs for high school students and adults
- The Boston Math Circle
- One of the first Math Circles founded in the United States, offering
challenging math enrichment classes for children ages 5 through 17
- Community Foundation of St. Joseph County
- A charitable endowment to improve the quality of life for the citizens of St. Joseph County
- Works to improve South Bend's quality of life through a variety of programs and initatives
- Supports hands-on, inquiry-based science learning in classrooms
around northern Indiana through science kit management services
and professional development for teachers
- Indiana University South Bend
- I-STEM Network
- Building Indiana's future with science, engineering and math education
- Ivy Tech Community College
- Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI)
- Promotes mathematical research and supports the training of the next generation of mathematicians
- Math Circle Network
- Provides support for new and existing Math Circles
- Fostering a common life and work among researchers and educators
- No Parent Left Behind
- Equipping parents with the confidence, skills, and support to play a key role in their children's educational success
- Northern Indiana Science, Mathematics and Engineering Collaboration (NISMEC)
- Promoting inquiry based science, mathematics, and engineering learning in northern Indiana
- Notre Dame
- Project Seeds
- Science and Ecology Education Development Series
- School City of Mishawaka
- Provides public education to students in Mishawaka
- South Bend Community School Corporation
- Provides public education to South Bend students and basic educational opportunities for adults in St. Joseph County
- Summer Program for Women in Mathematics
- Introduces undergraduates to graduate level coursework and careers in mathematics
- St. Joseph County Library
- Provides a variety of services and resources that promote access to learning opportunities
- Unity Committee
- Facilitates cooperation between local trade unions and social justice
activitsts interested in piloting educational enrichment programs for youth